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Warrior Princess

'Warrior Princess’… is ironically a title of a chapter in the book I am reading—Captivating written by husband and wife—John & Stasi Eldredge. I was overtaken with confirmation and excitement, as ‘Warrior Princess’ is my husband’s nickname for me. I could not wait to read what the chapter said. And rightfully so—as it spoke volumes to my soul—so much so, that I feel I must share.
So many people in today’s society—male and female—view women as weak, feeble, unaided… (I am not initiating a women’s right’s movement or anything of the sort, just speaking truth). Women are often times ‘hushed’ in important matters whether it be in the marriage, church, or other significant settings. I’ve spoken with many women lately who feel they don’t really have a voice on important issues in their home, or they are accused of setting their spouse up for failure if they ask a question or the famous ‘nagging’ word is thrown around. However, for me at least, it’s been a major struggle on ‘how’ to approach a situation or ‘how’ to voice a question or an opinion without it seeming like your intentions are to start WWIII. I’m sure I’m not the only one. So this has sadly led me to keep my mouth glued shut and shy away like a scolded child. This is not healthy or God’s way either. It’s all about seeking Him for the words to say, how to say them, and when to say them. Pray, pray, pray is first, and foremost before any major discussion or confrontation. (I’ve had to learn the hard way on this… not fun.)

“Women are not meant to be helpless creatures. God has given us a fierceness that is holy and it to be used on behalf of others.” S. Eldredge, Captivating.

I absolutely love the word ‘fierceness’ to describe a woman of God. To me it defines a ‘Warrior Princess’—she is fierce and a force to be reckoned with by her enemies—spiritually speaking of course. This chapter quoted a line from Braveheart (one of my favorite childhood movies). “One day you will be a Queen and you must open your eyes.” William Wallace to the Princess in Braveheart.

When I think ‘Warrior Princess’ and women of the Bible—Esther comes to mind. If you do not know the Story of Esther, I encourage you to read and study it. It is beautiful and illuminates the importance in spiritual obedience and following the direction the Lord has set before you. Even if it is painstakingly difficult—You are a Warrior Princess and He has equipped you with the spiritual tools and wisdom to do the ‘hard stuff’.

Presently I am struggling with hatred, mercy, and forgiveness regarding a life-changing situation that took place almost 8 years ago. This event changed everything about me—my personality, my relationships, my view of the world, and my walk with God. I lost my joy, my compassion, and my spiritual passion for years. But God! Recently—after 8 years of laying this event at the foot of the cross time, and time again—He is revealing to me the root of the ugliness I am harboring regarding this event. I can now feel my spirit, my soul, and my heart healing. ‘Healing’, what a beautiful word. God is revealing to me how this ugly event is turning me into His ‘Warrior Princess’ in ways that may have never been if it weren't for this event. How amazing to dwell on this—and for the first time, I’m looking at this trial in whole new lights that do nothing but bring our God floods of glory! For the first time I am allowing God to work this darkness out of me and to take ‘me’ out of the scenario. He is bringing me out of my ‘victim mentality’ and into His ‘Warrior Princess’ stance. To Him be all the praise and glory for this!

“Women warriors are strong, yes, and they are also tender. There is mercy in them. There is vulnerability. In fact, offering a tender vulnerability can only be done by an incredibly strong woman, a woman rooted in Christ Jesus who knows whose she is and therefore knows who she is. Offering our hearts wisely, living in the freedom of God’s love, inviting others to rest, alluring those in our lives to the heart of God, and responding to the heart of God in worship are some of the most powerful  ways that a woman wars for her world. But she also puts on the full armor of God daily and takes her immovable stand against the powers of darkness.” S. Eldredge, Captivating

Ever since I was little girl—if I could feel the devil coming at me, attacking me, attacking my mind, my spiritual walk, my mind at night (I suffered from night terrors). I would think—what is so great around the corner or later in my life that the enemy is using everything he can to keep me bound and chained in my bondage or fear? That’s just it… ““Your enemy the devil prowls around like a roaring lion looking for someone to devour” (I Peter 5:8). And he does devour. He assaults and maims and steals and kills and destroys wherever he can, and the brunt of his malice falls on God’s image bearers. On you and me. On the Beloved. Satan is a vicious, ruthless bully, and a bully will not back down unless someone stronger stands up to him and exposes him for what he is. That is your job for “greater is He who is in you than he who is in the world”.” (1 John 4:4) S. Eldgredge, Captivating

Live by Ephesians 6:10-13, put on the whole armor of God daily because—“…We do not wrestle against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this age, against spiritual hosts of wickedness in the heavenly places.” Ephesians 6:12

“Let us say it again. Your life is a Love Story set in the midst of a life-and-death battle. The beauty, the adventure, the intimacy—they are what are most real. But it is a battle to gain them and a battle to keep them. A battle for your own heart and a battle for the hearts around you. “The Lord is a warrior; the Lord is his name” (Ex. 15:3). Jesus fights on your behalf and on behalf of those you love. He asks you to join Him.” S. Eldredge, Captivating

I challenge you to seek God and ask Him to continually mold you into His perfect, Warrior Princess…


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