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Showing posts from June, 2017

Words From Heaven

It never ceases to amaze me how God intricately designs details of our lives, creating a divine moment.  For an Anniversary gift several years ago I gave Cody a book titled ‘Married for Life’, Inspirations From Those Married 50 Years or More.  We loved this book.  If you ever visited our home, you would have seen this book sitting on our coffee table.  We made a diligent effort to read an insert from it daily, usually sitting down for dinner.  We would mute the television and read out of it before eating.  It seemed almost every testimony of marriage we read was for the exact moment we read it (you know how God works).  Needless to say, this book was precious to us.  Now that Cody is no longer here- It will be a cherished book of mine, forever.  It’s no surprise to most, after his passing, I could not stay in our lake house.  While moving a few months ago and unpacking boxes, I came across this book.  I have shared the followin...

It's Okay Not To Be Okay

God wants every part of who we are.  He wants every part of our heart.  Even the broken parts. Especially the broken parts.  My heart is completely broken.  Again.  And I am not okay.  God is showing me that 'It Is Okay Not To Be Okay'.  On January 9, 2017 I was with a group of women for Bible Study.  Somehow we got on the subject of death and losses ones had faced in life.  I was shocked to hear of the heartache some of these ladies had experienced.  I spoke the words…  “I’ve never experienced a death close to me.”  I will never forget uttering those words.  Five days later, January 14, my world as I knew it, was changed forever.  Who I was as a person would never be the same.   My beautiful family was ripped apart by the disappearance of my Husband.   He went missing while fishing on the lake we lived on.   It took authorities 5 days to recover his drowned body.   Five days of utter silen...

I Trust my God, I Trust my God, I Trust my God...

Hi everyone, I am Jessica Lane Lusk. I started this blog 4-years ago, but we all know 'life' happens and I have not posted in a while and have recently updated my blog page. Many of you may know I recently lost my Husband and Father of my 1-year old daughter in a tragic fishing accident this past January. The last 4-months have been some of the darkest days of my 28-years. But God is good.  He is continuously showing me His glorious way. He is bringing me to a place of peace- That peace that surpasses all understanding really does exist. He meets us in the valley and sets us on the rock. All He asks is for us to Trust Him... Hence the new title of my Blog, I Trust My God...  I find myself- sometimes dozens of times a day repeating over and over, I Trust My God, I Trust My God, I Trust My God. It helps me. The Holy Spirit is welcomed into my atmosphere when those words are released from my lips.  If you know me, you know that I have had a passion for...