I have always found the word ‘Extraordinary’ to be funny and full of irony. Being a writer I like words—obviously. I like to break words down. Merriam Webster’s Dictionary defines Extraordinary as, “ going beyond what is usual, regular, or customary, extraordinary powers, exceptional to a very marked extent .” Going beyond, exceptional… Those are words describing Extraordinary. But looking at the word ‘extraordinary’ it is made up of two words… Extra and Ordinary. Extra Ordinary. So being extra ordinary makes up the word Extraordinary… something exceptional, to go beyond…? Ironic. This is exactly what God does in His people. He calls extra ordinary people to do Extraordinary things through Him and for His glory. There have been many times in my life when I have had a dream to accomplish something that is bigger than me. A dream that I want to chase down and lavish in but then I hear those whispers…’ you’re not good enough, you’re not smart enou...
Welcome to my Blog- I Trust my God… They say to ‘write what you know’. What do I know? I know heartache. I know life at its darkest, most earth-shattering time. I know Redemption in the highest form. I know Love. An all-consuming earthly Love. I know an out of this world eternal Love. This is what I know. This is what I will write. This is my story. This is my transparent, raw, God Glorifying story. Thank you for joining me on this journey… I Trust my God, I Trust my God, I Trust my God…